
German Word of the Day:


n., masc.; springtime

I have some exciting posts in the works right now, so here’s a quick update in the Zwischenzeit (meantime) – spring is (mostly) sprung!  I love seeing the seasons turn in Germany; each brings something I’ve never seen before.  The best part of spring is the sunlight!  I can finally bike to school without needing my lamp, and the warm sun makes everything feel more hopeful.  Here are three signs of a German spring:


It’s only February, but Krokusse (Crocuses) are already springing up!  Found these in my very own driveway (and promptly crashed my bike into the house – being a plant enthusiast can be dangerous).

Baby Animals!

It’s spring and the goats are twitterpated!  Or they were last fall, anyway, because the Zicklein, or newborn goats, are popping up all over the place!  There’s nothing better for stress-management than spending half an hour watching these guys run hither and thither.


This isn’t perhaps the most enjoyable aspect of spring, but I include mud because it’s one of my very favorite German words: Schlamm (pronounced “shlum”).  It’s like the German version of the English word orb – it sounds exactly like it is.


That’s it for today.  Happy spring, and if your corner of the world is still slushy and snowy – *evil laughter* you should’ve become an exchange student.

2 thoughts on “Frühling

  1. Really enjoy your blogs. What a fantastic experience! Sounds like you have a really good family to stay with. The crocus are starting to come up. They usually survive any snow. Don’t know about the buds On some of the trees that are coming out. I don’t remember a February as warm as we had this year. Life has been exciting! We listen to CNN, which we hardly ever did before 2017, and hear the latest lies, cover ups, egotistical remarks from our esteemed president. Do you hear much about what is going on with our politicians? It puts buying a new washer and dryer, and computer in the realm of exciting this week! Glad to hear all is going well. Looking forward to seeing you in July. Love Aunt Dorine Sent from my iPad



    1. Glad you liked it! I don’t keep up with the news as much as I probably should, but I still hear a fair amount over here 😉 Nice that you’re having a warm spring!


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